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Ghana is discussing the launch of a new citizenship-by-investment program

Ghana is discussing the launch of a new citizenship-by-investment program

The number of countries wishing to launch their own citizenship-by-investment program is growing. In Ghana, the independent presidential candidate Nana Kwame Bediako made a plan to attract 50 billion dollars by granting Ghanaian citizenship to investors of African origin.

He wants to attract a million investors who are ready to invest 50,000 dollars in exchange for a passport.

According to the idea, it is possible to invest in various sectors of the Ghanaian economy, including gold, oil and processing of agricultural products.

The passport of Ghana provides visa-free access to 68 countries. Ghana participates in the regional protocol of free movement as a member of the Economic Community of West African States, and this potentially increases the attractiveness of Ghanaian citizenship for investors from outside the bloc.

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