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Form of government:
Unitary Presidential Republic
142 000 km2
7 million

Registration and support of companies in Tajikistan: advantages, opportunities and features

Advantages of opening a company in Tajikistan

Tajikistan has a favorable geographical location in Central Asia and is gradually becoming an attractive destination for foreign investors, offering a number of advantages for business development. The main advantages are access to markets Central Asia and China, as well as competitive operating costs, which allows for optimization of production and expansion costs. to unlock the potential of a developing economy with significant export and manufacturing opportunities.

Available legal forms for non-residents

  1. Limited Liability Company (LLC): The most popular form for small and medium-sized enterprises. Owners are liable within the limits of their investments, and foreigners can become sole founders.
  2. Open Joint Stock Company (JSC): Designed for companies that plan to attract external investment and issue shares on the domestic market.
  3. < b>Branch of a foreign company: Allows foreign businesses to operate in Tajikistan without registering a separate legal entity.
  4. Representative Office: This form is suitable for those companies that want to conduct market research or establish business relationships without conducting commercial activities .

Step-by-step actions for opening a company in Tajikistan

  1. Choosing the legal form: Determine the optimal form, taking into account the needs of your business and the requirements of local legislation.
  2. Preparing statutory documents: Create statutory documents that comply with local regulations and registration requirements.
  3. Choosing a name and registration in the state register : Check the availability of the name and register it in the State Register.
  4. Obtaining a certificate of registration: After all documents are approved, you will receive an official certificate of company registration.
  5. Registration for taxes and other mandatory payments: Register your company with the tax inspectorate stocks and other government agencies to make mandatory payments and fees.
  6. Opening a bank account: After completing registration, open a bank account to conduct financial transactions.

Taxation Features

The tax system of Tajikistan has a number of benefits for foreign companies operating in priority sectors. The main aspects of taxation include:

  • Corporate Tax: The corporate tax rate is 23%. For businesses in special economic zones, a reduction in the tax rate or dismissal for a certain period is possible.
  • VAT: The VAT rate is 18%, but a 0% rate may be applied to exports of goods and services. span>
  • Personal Income Tax: If a company hires local workers, it pays tax on their income on a progressive scale.
  • Special tax regimes: Available to companies operating in government-supported industries and allowing for the optimization of tax expenditures.

Features of doing business in Tajikistan

Doing business in Tajikistan has a number of peculiarities. In particular, it should be taken into account that the local economy largely depends on government support in certain sectors, so access to benefits and subsidies largely depends on the government’s industry priorities. Skilled labor is available, especially in the agricultural sector, as well as in the energy and resource extraction industries. When doing business, it is necessary to take into account certain administrative nuances and the possible need for a local partner for more effective access to local markets. Infrastructure issues are also important: the country’s transport and communications network is gradually improving, opening up new opportunities for companies focused on exporting products.

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