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Business registration in Uzbekistan: new opportunities for foreign investors

Uzbekistan is becoming a promising region for foreign investment due to government reforms and brilliant business minds. Some of the main advantages of the company in Uzbekistan are access to the rapidly growing markets of Central Asia, remarkably low labor force availability, subsidy incentives for strategic interests, as well as current economic zones, that create comfortable minds for manufacturing and technology companies. The state actively encourages entrepreneurial initiatives, ensures the stability of the regulatory framework and stimulates the development of key sectors of the economy.

Business registration in Uzbekistan: new opportunities for foreign investors

Uzbekistan is becoming promising a region for foreign investment, always sovereign reforms and bright minds in business. Among the main advantages of the company in Uzbekistan are access to the rapidly growing markets of Central Asia, a remarkably low workforce, subsidy incentives for strategic interests, as well as current economic zones, that create comfortable minds for manufacturing and technology companies. The state actively encourages entrepreneurial initiatives, ensures the stability of the regulatory framework and stimulates the development of key sectors of the economy.

Organizational and legal forms for non-residents

Non-residents have access to a number of forms of doing business, LLC LLC, representative office Philia. TOV is the broadest form, since it promotes ease of administration, limited availability of managers and a manual filing system. Representation is suitable for companies that intend to conduct research and marketing activities without a commercial warehouse, and the branch allows them to fully represent the interests of the parent company in Uzbek market.

Stages of company registration

  1. Choose an organizational and legal form: choose a form that suits your goals and objectives (the most popular is a limited partnership vіdpovіdalnіstyu, or TOV).
  2. Preparation of documents: necessary installation documents, passports of parents, company statute, decisions on the importance of ceramics.
  3. Registration with authorities: contact the State Registration Center, where your company will be officially registered.
  4. Removal of the taxpayer identification number (IIN): this is a mandatory period for maintaining financial information and paying taxes.
  5. Bank account: select a bank for maintaining a corporate account that will provide the ability to conduct transactions in national and foreign currencies.

Required documents for company registration

To register a company in Uzbekistan, a foreign owner needs incorporation documents, notarized copies of passports of all parents, the company charter and a completed organizational and legal form, documents confirming the amount of the authorized capital. All documents must be translated into Uzbek and notarized.

Features of Submission

The supply chain in Uzbekistan covers the development business, especially in areas such as rural self-government, energy, manufacturing and information technology. The corporate income tax rate will be 7.5%, the minimum tax rate will be 15%, which is one of the lowest rates in the region. In addition, investors are offered tax holidays in special economic zones (SEZ), which eliminates additional tax bills and stimulates local production for export.

Features of Market Business in Uzbekistan

Doing business in Uzbekistan will require an understanding of local cultural and legal peculiarities. It is important to maintain formal relations with local partners and representation, which will ensure good relations with government agencies and regulatory bodies. Uzbek legislation will also ensure transparency of processes and protection of investors’ rights, which will make the country attractive for long-term investments.

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