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Registration of financial companies

The Finance Business Service provides its clients with the service of registering a financial company. We give professional advice and make sure that our clients receive the maximum range of services for an acceptable payment. We invite you to learn more about the procedure for registering a financial company, as well as the benefits of this service for your business.

What are the types of financial companies?

Before proceeding directly to the process of registering a company, the owner must choose in which area of business he will work. The type of company directly depends on the scope of its activities. Currently, financial companies are divided into 2 types.

  • Without a license. Companies of this type can carry out financial activities without a license in such areas as factoring, leasing, providing guarantees and guarantees, as well as loans to legal entities and individuals at the expense of the company's capital.
  • With a license. This type of design requires a more responsible approach. In addition to the services from the previous paragraph, the license provides the right to attract finance from individuals, as well as subsequently use these funds as a loan. In addition, a licensed financial company is given the opportunity to carry out foreign exchange and provide clearing services.

So, a license must be issued when a company is engaged in insurance, providing pensions and raising capital from individuals in order to make a profit, dividends, interest or other types of accruals. How you choose the right type of company registration can directly affect the success of your business in the future. In addition, the owner has the opportunity to optimize their registration costs. If the position of a lawyer is provided for in the staff of your company, you can register yourself. However, in most cases, entrepreneurs still turn to professionals from independent companies for help. Finance Business Service specializes in providing services for the registration of financial companies, so you will receive highly qualified assistance and reliable service at every stage of setting up your own company.

What are the stages of registration of financial companies?

Of course, each separate procedure for registering a company has its own peculiarities and nuances, but the general scheme remains unchanged. It consists of several stages.

  • Collection and preparation of documents.
  • Registration procedure in state structures and tax authorities. At the same stage, the owner is given permission to receive the seal.
  • Information about the company is entered into the register of financial institutions.
  • For companies requiring a license, it is necessary to collect the appropriate package of documents for certain types of activities.

Registration of financial company with help of Finance Business Service specialists is an opportunity to receive excellent service at low cost and time. We offer reliable professional support at every stage of registration. With us you can build a profitable and profitable business.

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