LondonForm of government:
Parliamentary monarchyArea:
243 809 км2Population:
63 millionCurrency:
(GBP)Registration of PE in the UK
Self employed
If you are self-employed, the state classifies you as self-employed self-employed. As a private entrepreneur, you can conduct your business as an individual. You can dispose of profit from activities after paying taxes.
A private entrepreneur has the right to hire workers. The concept of “private entrepreneur” implies that you are responsible for your own activities, and not that you are obliged to conduct your activities yourself. You are personally responsible for any losses you may incur.
Private entrepreneurs are subject to the following tax obligations:
- Pay tax on business profits;
- Pay tax on business profits;
- Pay for social insurance.
If the annual turnover is more than 82,000 pounds Sterling, it is necessary to register as a VAT payer.
To operate as a self-employed person, you must have a National Insurance number, register with the UK Revenue and Customs Administration, operate under your own name or choose a commercial name.